Applying for a school place
To apply for a Nursery place at Bentley West, please visit or contact the school office (01922 720792) for an admission form.
Once completed bring the form and the child’s birth certificate to us for our admin staff to process.
School will notify you when/if your child can start.
To apply for a place in Reception to Year 6, please visit the Walsall Council Website.
Admission arrangements for disabled students will be coordinated by our SENCo Miss Jacks.
The Local Authority arrange school places for Reception and Year 7
The Published Admission Number (PAN) for Bentley West is 60 pupils.
Please feel free to contact the school office (01922 720792) if you have any questions, we are more than happy to help.
You can find information regarding selection criteria, over-subscription please see the Walsall Council Admissions page here.