
Our curriculum is taught through ‘End Goals’ that set pupils challenges in a wide variety of ways. By starting units with ‘End Goals’ in mind, pupils are able to see how all of the skills and knowledge taught over time build up so that they can be applied to tasks set which are in the context of the thematic topic or real-life.

For example, when pupils are developing geographical knowledge skills through the topic of ‘The Rainforests’, they are tasked with creating a ‘David Attenborough style’ documentary for television. The class would receive an email requesting their help and would begin by identifying the skills needed to complete the challenge. This would include research using a range of primary sources of information, map work, identifying patterns through data and the human and physical features of the rainforests during topic lessons.

At the start of every lesson, recap slides are used so that pupils consistently and repeatedly recall knowledge and facts previously taught with links across the curriculum. This allows pupils to transfer key facts and procedures into long term memory which is our definition of learning.