Opening Hours
Opening Hours
Opening Hours
School Times
School Times
You can drop your child at school between the following times: 8.35am - 8.55am. Registration is from 8.55am - 9am.
You can drop your child at school between the following times: 8.35am - 8.55am. Registration is from 8.55am - 9am.
You can collect your child from school at 3.25pm
You can collect your child from school at 3.25pm
Staff will be on the playground during morning drop offs and at collection points when your child is being dismissed.
Nursery and Reception parents only are permitted to enter the school site in the morning to drop their child/ren off at their classroom doors.
Please let us know if your child is to be collected by someone different. Contact school or speak to your child's class teacher in advance to inform them if this needs to happen. Staff will refuse to let children leave with adults they do not recognise on the grounds of Safeguarding. Any person collecting the child must be over 16 years of age.
School is open from 8.35am - 3.25pm (6 hours 50 minutes a day) - 34 hours and 10 minutes a week